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Stories that Inspire Aging with Joy! – With Roz Burak

The purpose of this blog is to bring a smile
to your face and some joy to your heart.

 Bette Davis said: “Old age ain’t no place for sissies.”

As we age we’re always dealing with something new. As people over a certain age, “life” becomes more real.

We begin to confront that this life will not go on forever. That can knock the wind out of your sails.

Where Life Leads you is a blog to keep reminding us
that as long as we’re here we might as well enjoy it!!!!

Read a Story! Share the Joy!

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  • Roz Burak
To Hear or Not to Hear

It’s a fact, as you age your hearing diminishes. Why do we say it ain’t so? I remember in my late 60's not hearing what people were saying was a…

A New Start

12 years ago I declared I’d write a blog on the Joys of Aging. I’ve had many fits and starts since then. Many people have supported me

Influenza A – Oy Vey

Before you ask, I did not get a flu shot.   As I always feel crappy for one or two days after the shot, I couldn’t find a good time to…

Thinking About Dying

I don’t remember thinking about dying the way I do now. It seems like everything is a reason to think about dying,

Grandparents Day

I’m at Grandparents Day for my great niece and nephew. I’m not a grandparent and was invited because I’m the closest thing to a grandparent

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Coaching for Life’s Transitions
With Roz Burak.

Let me be your partner in creating a future that brings you joy
along with the challenges of any new opportunity.

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