Coaching for Life’s Transitions

For more than 30 years I was a successful business consultant. My clients were small and medium-sized businesses which included many start-ups and family businesses. Working with owners and key personnel to develop plans and projects that contributed to the growth and expansion of the business was my forte. Once the plans were created my role shifted to coaching individuals and teams to assist them in navigating through the myriad challenges they faced as they put their plans into action. It was exciting and fulfilling.

As the people I had been working with began to retire a whole new world of coaching opened up. I could use my experience to coach them through this transition. People who identified themselves as their profession were now faced with discovering a whole new possibility for their life.

During this period I saw a transition in myself. I wasn’t as interested in coaching businesses. I began to enjoy coaching individuals who were facing personal challenges – retirement, health, new opportunities, families, etc. Just as I was able to contribute to the success of many types of businesses, I could now contribute to the success of people facing all kinds of life challenges.

Here’s what I began to discover. We’re always in transition. Some are natural and easy to recognize and others we create by our actions and/or inactions. We transition from babies to toddlers, then to tykes, children, tweens, teens and adults with no real effort on our part. This kind of transition also includes aging after 21 – emerging adult, reality thirties, settling forties, reassessing middle age, and then facing your mortality, We certainly don’t have a lot to say about these transitions.

Then there are the transitions we cause —- going away to college, getting married, having children. More transitions — choosing a career, changing careers, hobby hopping, politics, causes, leadership, retirement, I could go on and on. Transitions like changing hair styles, clothing styles, life styles are constant.

Coaching for Life’s Transitions has no set client or issue. I’ve worked with people who are retiring, people looking for new career opportunities; those shifting positions in their company and needing to create new ways of working with their colleagues. I even worked with a woman who wanted to create new interests and develop a new group of more active friends. Really, there’s no shortage of new opportunities. Many of us just don’t know how to navigate the challenges of these new opportunities. That’s where I come in. This coaching is particularly helpful when you have something you want to do and just can’t get started.

My experience allows me to be your partner in creating the future that brings you joy and effectively deals with the challenges of any new opportunity.

A coaching engagement consists of weekly one hour calls over a period of four months. Our first series of calls allow you to clarify and/or identify exactly what you want to take on. From there we create an action plan to achieve your goals. We then focus on taking actions, dealing with challenges or breakdowns and all the things we didn’t know when we started out. My experience is that after four months you are well underway on your new activity. At this point our coaching relationship is complete. Of course, if you want/need additional coaching we can create it from there.

For more information on Coaching for Life’s Transitions, including fees, please contact me at or

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