Where’s the JOY?!?!?!

by Roz Burak

Okay, maybe this isn’t so joyful. And, it is something that I have to bring my sense of humor to. Dealing with the INTERNET — OY VEY!!!!

Have you noticed how these websites decide what you need — like updating your password. WHY???? It’s absolutely ridiculous that I don’t have any choice in the matter. If I were using a lot of unsecured internet accesses, or if I were using other people’s computers to access my accounts then, maybe I’d want to change my password. Otherwise, LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!

My bank every few months tells me I have to change my password. Okay, fine, I’ll change my password. The only problem is that as I type in the new password the letters turn into dots and I don’t know what I REALLY typed. Then I have to retype it. If I’m lucky they match. And how much do I love all the restrictions and rules around a password — at least one capital letter, at least 1 number — no consecutive letters or numbers – add a symbol. I’m surprised I don’t have to tell them what I had for breakfast in order to access my accounts.

Then, 50% of the time the next time I log in I’m told my password is incorrect or better yet — “It’s time for a new password” The only thing I can do is laugh.’

My next pet peeve is verifying it’s me. For the last 2 weeks I’ve been trying to access my credit card account. I keep getting the message – they are sending me an email with a code. Did you get the email? — because I didn’t. I’ve called three time and been told the problem will be fixed in 24 hours. I’m still waiting. What joy!!!

Where’s the JOY? I love looking for it. Well I found it. The JOY is in not giving up — following through. Not falling back on “I’m too old for all this technology stuff”. The JOY is in getting the support I need, not selling out. The JOY is in creating a partnership with the person on the other end of the phone line to get it resolved. Sure there’s frustration. So what. These challenges are what make life a grand adventure and a game worth playing.



  • Maria Garvey

    I love the idea of walking in the world looking for ‘the joy’ Roz. There’s something about that that is ageless!
    Obviously, our bodies age… mine is about the same vintage as yours. A good mature one! But no matter what this changing body calls for in terms of care and attention… when I remember in the mornings .. that here’s another day for ‘miracle spotting’ – for seeing and spreading the joy, love, peace that are way more present than all the sorrow, fear, wars.. then I know that regardless of my age, I can always be who I always was… someone surrounded by magic, mystery and miracles… and my only job is to see and share. THANK YOU FOR THE REMINDER this morning dear friend.

    • Age (Optional) - 65
  • Maggie

    You might be a saint, Rozi! Even thinking about all the password changing brings visions of sitting on the porch of my log cabin in the woods with no need for technology or passwords. Not that I have that log cabin! lol

    I do find joy knowing that there are people–like my dear Michael who is always willing to help me with all things technology–and everything else! 🙂 and the joys of my life are Michael, my children, my friends and the beauty of nature. Trees center me, the sun lifts my spirits, hearing the bird sing fills me with gratitude.

    I can hear the possibility of expanding the joy from there….

    • Feiga

      I’m right there with you! I’ll keep looking for the joy! So far still finding frustration!

      • Age (Optional) - 73
    • Lori

      Hi Roz,

      I do get that changing passwords and using two-step verification is a pain, but It’s a layer of protection your accounts. Seniors are a big target for having their accounts hacked and losing thousands of dollars from their accounts.

        • Roz

          Great point Lori, Now I can see JOY in blocking those scammers 🙂

          • Age (Optional) - 78
          • Judy

            I thought I was alone w the password situation. You made me LAUGH. THANK YOU!!!

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