Turning Garbage into Black Gold

If you live in New York City you may have noticed these new orange Composting bins. They have given me a whole new way to be relevant. That may sound pathetic, but those of you who’ve reached a certain age know how important that is.

I no longer feel guilty about throwing away spoiled fruits and vegetables. I know they’re going to a better place. My dead leaves and flowers now become food for the next generation of plants. It makes me feel sooo good. These scraps are turned into Black Gold – composting material that feeds parks, school gardens, etc. When I go to Central Park I know those flowers look so good because of me 🙂

My neighbor, Annelise, and I are competing for who goes to the bins the most — I’m Winning! We’ve joined forces in creating a campaign to have all the people in our building composting. With about 200 apartments we’re making a difference and making new friends.

What a great life!!!!


  • Jacqui

    Love it! Thank you Rozzie. I love how I feel when reading the posts.. Life is the gift that keeps giving. I’ll take it.

    • Age (Optional) - 78
  • Annelise

    Roz – thanks for the name drop! I find it so satisfying every time I use the bins! I love that they are also solar-powered and securely closed (= no rats) until you open them using a simple app. It feels as if we’re really helping the city and quality of life here.

    And – where’s the proof you’re winning? 🙂

    • Age (Optional) - #ageless
  • Judy

    Profound new information. THANK YOU!

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