Influenza A – Oy Vey

by Roz Burak

Before you ask, I did not get a flu shot.   As I always feel crappy for one or two days after the shot, I couldn’t find a good time to get it.   Instead, I’ve been sick for three weeks and still counting.  Oh well — another one of those people plan and G-d laughs.

I don’t know when it started, but some time around turning 70 aches and pains took on a new meaning —- Like – uh oh is this the end????  Headaches have become signs of a stroke and indigestion is now a heart attack for sure.  Oy Oy Oy.  As Betty Davis so wisely said, “Old age ain’t no place for sissies.”

The thing about this new found interpretation of ills is it’s made me more appreciative of every day.  A friend and I speak every night.  Our sign off from these calls is “Have pleasant dreams and wake up happy,” I find myself thinking of that after I wake up.  I rarely remember my dreams although I’m always happy to wake up. ☺

It’s taking me longer to recover from the flu than I remember.  I say that’s because of my age. However, truth be told, I don’t remember ever having the flu.  What I am learning is it takes what it takes.  Fighting it by doing more than I should only makes it worse. 

The upside of taking longer to recover is it gave me time to knit. I started sweaters for myself and a friend’s 6 yr. old granddaughter.  And I finished a baby blanket for a newborn and a cowl for myself.  It also gave me time to read!!!!  I read three mysteries and the New Yorker and Wired magazines.  A real luxury. 

Another interesting discovery during this time of recovery is about my body.  I realized that usually when I speak about my body, I think of it as something other than me.  I know that sounds silly, but check it out for yourself.  How many times have you said “this blah blah blah upsets my stomach” and ate it anyway.  You don’t really think it upsets YOU.  See what I mean.  And, if not, forget I said it. 

My point is although not feeling well isn’t great — being here to ‘not feel well’ is pretty wonderful.

January 24, 2024


  • Judy

    Fabulous article! Thank you!

    • Margaret

      Roz, how very nice to receive this. Hope you’re feeling better. Your Prince is delicious.

      • Maha

        Sorry about your Influenza A Roz but it looks like you made the most of it! My experience this winter has been really strange. My family doctor recommended the RSV vaccination, to prevent certain lung infections, and the Shingles (two doses). My daughter (an ex-nurse) encouraged me to take the latest Covid booster vaccine. Taking all the medical advice in mind I started planning and pacing my vaccines. I ended up taking the RSV and the flu vaccine together in December and I felt crappy for a few days. Then in January I scheduled the Covid vaccine but got sick with Covid the day before the vaccination. I canceled the appointment, of course, and I felt crappy for a few days with Covid. In February, I got the first dose of the Shingles vaccine and felt crappy for a few days. Now, in March, I developed something which feels like an upper respiratory infection and I have been coughing and feeling crappy for a few days. The lesson in all this… just can’t win! What is meant to be will be! Exactly what you said: “People plan and God laughs”!

        Thank you for sharing your insight about how we separate ourselves from our bodies, even though we are one 🙂 I will remember that the next time I eat something that I know will upset my digestive system!

        • Age (Optional) - 65 (until next month)

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