Don’t Buy What They’re Selling

by Roz Burak

Finding joy in aging is a full time job.  The news media, social media, political rhetoric and talk shows are all telling us we’re going to hell in a handbasket. The news media tells a very small story: mostly they call their spin on the facts reporting the news.  Headlines are designed to create discord.  To a great extent social media has become a venue for venting personal grievances.  Let’s face it “talk” shows are about entertaining a particular audience and pleasing their sponsors. Political posturing is mostly propaganda — they say one thing and act entirely different – i.e., Supreme Court nominees.  Really don’t let them suck you in.  Look around — there’s much more positive than negative in this world.’

I’m not just talking about the random acts of kindness — a stranger stopping to help me open a door, even though they weren’t going into that store — a neighbor giving out bottles of cold water to homeless people in hot weather –– someone telling me I have great sunglasses — a young man passed me while walking my dog and said, “You’re gorgeous.”  How nice was that.

What I’m talking about is everyday life.  I look around my neighborhood.  I live in a building with over 200 apartments.  People of all ages – young and not so young, families and, of course, “Elders.”  There’s lots of joy in just saying “Hi” and “Have a great day” on the elevator.  The residents and the staff all look out for each other.

I look at the organizations I’m a part of and the positive difference we’re making.  The events in my city (NYC)  are celebrations, not mass shootings.  The parks are full of people from all walks of life having fun together.   There are community groups working in positive way to take care of the elderly, the homeless, children, animals.  There’s so much more good happening that never gets reported.

We’re inundated with what’s wrong, what’s not working and what we should be worried about.  Much of what they’re saying has no effect on our lives — they just want you to think it does.

I’m not saying there aren’t bad things happening, I’m not saying that crime isn’t real.  I’m just saying it isn’t happening everywhere and to everyone the way the media is telling us.   There is much more good happening because of good people, organizations, companies, local, state, and federal governments taking actions that make a positive difference in all our lives.  Just look around.

I don’t talk about what the media is selling. I’m not interested in dissecting or disseminating what the news is saying or some post on Facebook.  If I’m going to put forth an opinion it’s going to be mine; one that I’ve created for myself.  I’d much rather share about my dog Prince bringing me a toy when he wants me to stop working.  I share about the great book I read, or the one I didn’t like that much.  And I love sharing about what happens in my life, like about the young woman I met at the bus stop who said I reminded her of her “Grandmom” because I gave her an idea about how to help a situation at work.  I look for ways to eliminate suffering, not to get discouraged because there is suffering.

I don’t have my head in the sand.  I read newspapers and magazines, I watch and/or listen to some “news” shows.  I just don’t believe what they’re selling.  No political party is all good or all bad.  The circumstances aren’t dire everywhere.  I look underneath the headlines.  I do my own research on topics I’m interested in.  No poll with it’s limited reach is going to tell me who is or isn’t going to be President.  I’m going to vote for the candidate who I think will do the best job.

I don’t let any of it get me down.  If I’m going to have joy in aging, I’ve got to bring it to my circumstances.  That’s a much more fun game to play than the blame game.  Let me know what you think.


July 29, 2024


  • JUDY

    WHAT I THINK? WHAT I THINK!!! I think you are amazing!!! I felt more magic and positive in the 1 minute (ok 2!) it took me to read that. I LOVE reading your writings… LOVE IT THANKS!

    • Age (Optional) - 80
  • Annelise

    What a great and uplifting post Roz, thank you! This is such an important reminder as well to look up from the phones and see the good things there are to see right around you, and be able to touch within your circle of influence. If this is aging – you’re getting better and better at it!

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