
by Roz Burak

Yesterday was my birthday, 73 in case you’re wondering.   It’s funny, not only am I happy to be 73, I’m happy to tell people.   I remember when I was 64, my sister-in-law wished me a happy birthday on FaceBook and said something like “happy 64th birthday, you’re almost catching up to me.”  I was so upset with her that she said my age.  I remember thinking how mean that was of her,

Go figure, now, I’m 73, 9 years older and happy to sing it from the rooftops. 

I also got my first “you look good for 73,” I really don’t know what to say.  It’s really a funny comment.  How am I supposed to look at 73?   I’m sure it’s meant as a compliment; it doesn’t really feel like it.  It’s like there’s something wrong with looking like your age — whatever that looks like.  It’s all very interesting,

In some ways, I think this aging process may be something like when you’re a child and you keep discovering new things about yourself and the world.

Aging — it really is the gift that keeps on giving!!!!


  • Carol (CJ)

    There are 3 stages of life: youth, middle age and. you’re well.

    • Age (Optional) - none of your business
  • Risa

    I love “aging is the gift that keeps on giving.” Congrats Roz. Your website looks great.

    • Age (Optional) - 62
  • Judy

    Everything you write has such a profound effect on me and I’m sure it will on everybody. You are such a gem!
    Thank you for this Block. I truly love it, and you!

    • Maggie

      You are looking gorgeous dear Rozi!! xo

      Congratulations on the realization of your dream! Love you!

      • Age (Optional) - 72

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