A New Start

Here I am again — This time for GOOD. 12 years ago I declared I’d write a blog on the Joys of Aging. I’ve had many fits and starts since then. Many people have supported me —- I just wasn’t ready —NOW I AM!!!!!

Let’s talk about this thing called aging. As I said in one of my earlier posts (Blog Opening). Growing old is a privilege, not everyone gets to do it.

They call us Senior Citizens or The Elderly. For those of us who are aging it doesn’t fit. We’re still in our teens, twenties, thirties. Really, we’re no age for ourselves. My mother, Sarah, was told by her doctor that for 79 she was doing great. She replied “What about 26, that’s all I am for me.” I remember laughing when she told the story —- now I get it.

As we age, our lives change. Body parts don’t work as well as they used to. Trying to remember why we walked into the kitchen (or any room) becomes a daily concern. Let’s talk about the names of things we just can’t remember. There are many reminders that we’re getting older and not all of them are great. However, we’re here, so we might as well enjoy it.

At 78 I know I’m going to die; therefore, I don’t have to worry about dying anymore. I’ll die when I die. Now I’m going to LIVE and have FUN!!!! Come along for the ride. I’d love to hear about the joys you’re discovering in your “Old” age 🙂


  • Beverly Karafin

    What?… BETTE DAVIS…. “Old age ain’t no place for sissies”
    I always believed the quote was “Growing old is not for sissies” a Jack Burak original, it was ONE his favorite sayings.

    Looking back, I never really understood another quote “The youth is wasted on the young”
    I get it now. It rings true in most instances, although more physical than mental. If I had a chance to do it all over, I would much rather know what I know now!! Remember the Song by Ooh La La Music Band, I wish that I knew what I know now, when I was younger.

    With 30 years in the fitness industry, I am no stranger to aches & pains, and what we can’t do
    It’s your body that tells you you’re not 30. Too many squats, Crunches & step classes, who knew?
    I now know to workout smarter, not harder.
    Although I wish I still had my memory skills as a 12-year-old, playing the piano as well as I did then, but I am still inspired to try.

    I’m enjoying my senior lifestyle, getting to do whatever I want, whenever I want. No cares about judgement, still able to be me, and yes, I’m all for naps too.

    I’m cherishing every single minute I get to share with my children, including my 14-year-old Weimaraner, they are my treasures & give me so much love & joy.

    Where life has led me is my best kept secret, my best friend, lover & husband, of almost 40 years, has kept me feeling young & always inspires me with his special love & devotion.

    Thanks Roz, nicely done, good to awaken the mind, body & spirit.
    Love you, so glad I had the chance to spend my younger years with you, I have such great memories.

    My special Aunt forevermore, I also wish a smile to your face, and much joy to your heart.

    • Age (Optional) - 68
  • ewa

    When my hubby recently bought 2 senior tickets for the theater I made a non-friendly face and noise inside my head. Of course I knew HE is a senior, but not ME at age 55, WHAT? Honestly, I didn’t quite know what to do about that idea, me being a Senior… I still don’t know, but I don’t blame my hubby any longer 😊. At some point when I was a lot younger I started to collect “raw models” in older women, I assume I already knew I would need them on my team at some point in life. I was looking for something that seemed inspiring, kind, calm, carrying a spark spiced with “I do it my way, let’s paint with a bold brush outside the lines. who’s lines anyway? – way to go fav aunt Rozi.💕

    • Age (Optional) - 55
  • Maggie

    Hmmmm. I am 72…will I stop worrying about dying in 6 years! Lol. I guess it’s what you said…I am still a 30, 40, 50 year old in here… 🙂

    but I do have glimpses of that…little moments of feeling so complete…thanks for raising this topic!

    • Barbara Adelstein

      Well done Roz and I must add PERFECT TIMING for me! You hit the nail on the head! Thank you for following through on one of your dreams. You inspire me. Last year I celebrated my 65th bday finding out I needed a hip replacement and not even one year later, I’m
      Having the 2nd one done! How did I get here so fast?

      • Age (Optional) - 65
    • Barbara Adelstein

      This is awesome Roz! It certainly stirs up a lot for
      Me! At 65, just last year, I found out I needed a hip
      Replacement and 10 months later, I find out I need the other one done! Hey how did my 66th birthday come so fast!! This is scary. I’ve decided to focus on health and well being since I have many more things to accomplish. I’ve always been so active and kind of running through life. Now I’m enjoying the little things and being so grateful for all my friends and family and how I receive joy from so many things. Energy flows where focus goes. So, I’m good! I’m blessed!! To be cont’d…………..

      • Age (Optional) - 65
      • Roz

        Aging brings all new challenges — enjoy the Grand Adventure!!!!!

        • Age (Optional) - 78
    • Lori

      I Like this post a lot. Everything you said is so true.

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